Hendrix is God ——–> Hendrix is Overrated!

I just wanted to make a post on this while it is fresh in my mind. I was talking to a friend and former guitar teacher who came out with the most nonsensical thing I have ever heard “Hendrix is overrated” he tells me “people like Yngwie Malmsteen are much better”. He is my friend, even though he hasn’t been my teacher for years, he is also entitled to his opinion but it will never be mine. He then told me that the only reason we believe Hendrix is the best is because everybody says it and it is an idea pushed in guitar magazines we are brainwashed into believing. I am afraid this just isn’t true…. how did I find out about Hendrix? Not in a magazine but through a friend in high school who asked “have you ever heard Hendrix?” and I said “Who’s that?”. I asked my Dad who he was and he came back home the day after with “Experience Hendrix” a Hendrix greatest hits (a great introduction by the way), I heard the album and I was blown away by Hendrix and like I said before it was one of the main reasons I just had to play guitar.

As far as guitar has progressed (for better or worse) into a world where millions of kids practice to reach dizzyingly fast speeds I still believe there is one element that is more important; musicality.

Musicality to me is what turns a guitarist into a musician, when he or she takes the time to decide what will benefit and further the song. Is this screaming fast appergios? It might be in one instance but surely not for every single song and this is where to me somone like Malmsteen could never be a better guitarist than Hendrix. Anyway I will keep the discussion open for you to post some comments on who you think is better but I will give some examples of each person.

Now when you are analysing the following songs, don’t think “who is faster?” or “who is more technical?” but “who is bringing musicality to their work?”.

Hendrix takes a Bob Dylan song and brings his own sound to it. It then becomes the definitive version of this song.

Malmsteen shreds over a beatles song.

Hendrix is diverse, he can write and record songs of different genre, here is a funky soul song called Dolly Dagger with a definitive Hendrix stamp.

“This is a new one” | but it could be off any album really |
However Malmsteen can just shred, it never really varies (except for his classical guitar solos which when he performs live are often just shredding on classical guitar).

Finally let’s see both of them play the same style, because I feel I am not being quite fair….

Blues, let’s hear them both do a blues number, that’s fair right?

Hendrix creates a blues classic in red house.

This is his attempt at a blues song.

I don’t hate Malmsteen but I sometimes just feel like I am watching the whiz kid who got his wish granted to play as fast as possible and now he can do that he never shuts up. Whereas Hendrix plays like a true master and many times he does that by not playing. I have even seen Malmsteen live, it gets old fast I can tell you that, I saw it to go with my friend who I told you about earlier and I didn’t mind going you should always go to see someone to at least have that experience.

Malmsteen claims he was never into Hendrix “it’s just noise” he says, I can’t believe him saying that when you hear both aritsts side by side. Maybe you can’t either having watched the comparisons. Well, let me know what you think!

Just one last thing I thought of is a G3 Jam, it is a Hendirx song called “Little wing” and I feel the only person who shows enough restraint and respect for the song (in the solo) is Joe Satriani. Check it out……

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A common misconception

One common misconception in guitar, particularly for learners is that faster is better. Of course this is not true, it is important to try and improve and if getting faster is one of those things that you want to improve there are ways to increase your speed. Phrase trainers and guitar pro have brought new levels to this, meaning you can basically put your metronome back in the cupboard forever.

However, it is not the be all and end all of guitar playing, there are many guitarists who have never seen the wizardly Van Halen speed flow from their fingertips but who are to me the greatest guitarists of all time. One such guitarist is David Gilmour and no one can deny his talent. He uses beautiful phrasing, everything he plays sounds soulful, he always knows what to put in a song and how to make it work. For those who have never heard Gilmour it is probably best to start with some Pink Floyd, though I do wholeheartedly recommend On an Island too.

Just listen to the above and tell me it is not some of the greatest playing you have ever heard, but there is nothing complicated about that. If you are experienced enough (you know how to bend, hammer on, pull off etc) then you can master this solo. Too many people are concerned with filling every gap, but Gilmour brings music alive by letting it breath.

Another example of a fantastic player who was never too complicated is Peter Green, man of the world is pure magic.

At the end of the day, all I am trying to say is; playing guitar is about making music. simple as that. Don’t worry if you are never elevated to the speediest heights, find your own way to being the virtuoso you always wished to be.

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Free first Lesson

Above is a video about how to name and number the strings of a guitar. It’s a very basic lesson and most people will know this but if you are beginner and have never played a guitar before then it is very useful to know. It will help you tune your guitar, know which strings you are playing on and if you want to walk the route of reading music (which I can do) then this will help you as music uses the numbers of the strings.

This is just me showing off on the guitar, very self indugent but just shows some of the things I have learnt to do. It’s a complete improvisation, it is not planned.

Finally in this post, follow me on twitter – fleaaaaaa -is my username – I don’t know how to make the twitter follow me button but maybe someone will tell me later 🙂

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Welcome to the “Adam teaches guitar” blog

New picture from last year, professionally done by Andrew Hale

Hello, my name is Adam and I am teaching guitar in Bradley, Huddersfield. This blog will be used to display videos from youtube that are related to me and my lessons. It will also tell a bit about me, who my influences are and what I am currently listening to.

This blog is to help promote my guitar teaching business which you can find out more about on my website www.adamteachesguitar.com

How did this all start? Well when I in my preteens I started listening to rock music, it all started with bands like Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Smashing Pumpkins, Metallica (Reload album, back in 97) and each time I discovered a new band with guitars it pushed it further to the front of my mind that I wanted to play guitar. However it all lead up to one guitarist, Jimi Hendrix, as soon as I heard him play I knew that I had to play too. I saved up my money and I bought my first electric guitar for only £60 at the age of 15, it was junk but it at least gave me something to work with.

My first electric guitar cost me £60

It actually took me years before I even  learnt a Hendrix number (I was scared that he was just too good and I would never be able to play his stuff) however a friend of mine said “let’s play Hey Joe” to which I responded “are you insane? No one can play Hendrix!”. I was then told by my friend that it was simple chords, all chords I knew and later on I even dared to try the solo, at first with little sucess but as I progressively got better I could do it!

So that’s a little about me, more stuff will be posted soon.

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