Jamming…….. and I hope you like Jamming too!

Hey, it’s been a whlie since I posted a blog post so I thought I would come back and talk about what I have been spending my time on. In my own time I have been working through tracks on “Learn to Play Funk with Jeff Tameliers tower of power” a brilliant yet flawed learning tool. Brilliant because it is tower of power and one of their previous guitarists who are to me (and my small funk knowledge) the greatest funk band I have heard but flawed because so much of what I hear is not written down in the tab so I have to use my ears work this out, not a difficult but a rather arduous task when you are also trying to memorise.

Problems aside I have really enjoyed learning some funk and it is taking my guitar player different to places when I jam, I have already started throwing funky (blues) jams into the mix, with some nice new mini funk chords that I have learnt.

One of my new jam pieces that is working rather well right now is a simplified rendition (because the original is madness) of Hendrix’ if 6 was 9. I was talking to friends at the jam night at about how amazing the sounds Hendrix creates on the original are, he had no fancy FX pedals that we have now but creates some of the strangest and dreamiest noises and I am also sure that it really is just a bit of a jam.

Anyway the version of if 6 was 9 works out well, with each drummer I bring it to bringing a different version. If you don’t jam but feel ready it is about time you got out of the house and made music with others, you will definately learn something and more than likely you will have a whole load of fun. 🙂 Thanks for reading.


About adhinchliffe

Guitar teacher in Huddersfield, to learn more about that goto www.adamteachesguitar.com :) I have been playing guitar since 2001, Jimi Hendrix was a big influence on picking up the guitar, as was Kurt Cobain or in particular his music and his band. I discovered lots more bands from the 90s due to him and friends at high school, people like Smashing Pumpkins, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, The Lemonheads and as I said Nirvana. Metallica Reload and The Verve Urban Hymns were two of the first albums that got me seriously into rock music.
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